How To Prime An Aquarium Filter Pump-Ultimate Guide

Priming is an integral stage in all aquarium filters, especially if it’s not an air pump. The water needs to get moving; otherwise, your fish won’t survive a long time in the water. Some aquarium filters have adopted the self-priming feature.  However, you may find the designs to be more costly; and topping it up, you will need to keep track of whether the effectiveness of the filter pump is still valid over time. The best aquarium canister filter should have a well-defined priming methodology that is easy to follow and must be functional. 

Furthermore, not all manual primers work using the same principle, especially if you observe how they start-up. That is why, until today, we talk about how to prime the best turtle tank filter. Let’s get to business!

What is the priming of aquarium filter?

Layman’s language explains priming as the act of getting something ready for use. In this way, you can relate it to the aquarium filter; it needs maintenance to filter all the time effectively. During this stage, water is filled in the portions of the filter to get it going. 

The moment you fail to do the priming, just know that the motor will be running using air instead of the water in the tubing. This has the reputation of burning the motor quickly, and the filter wouldn’t be as accurate as of the way it was when it was still brand new. Therefore, in one way or another, priming has to be done, and in the right manner. 

Step 1

Make sure your pump is offline. Remember, running the filter pump without circulating the water throughout the system will compromise the motor. That the case, you should always observe the first principle. 

Step 2

In this stage, pour water into the reservoir and make sure it is full. You can use any medium to fetch the water, for instance, a cup. Fill it until the hang-on-the-side drips the water back to the tank. 

Step 3 

This is when you can be allowed to start the motor. However, the continuous pouring of the water into the filter is not seized until it begins flowing on its own. This process usually takes several seconds before the flow turns out to be natural. 

Comment: This is an important note for all aquarium filter owners. Not all aquarium filters work with the same principle. However, the main concept is filling water in the pump so that it does not pump air instead of water. In that case, the filter will clean water and make it a habitable place for your fish to live.

Final Thought

For those who got the self-priming filters, you’re pretty served, but that does not mean the manual priming filters are any terrible choice. Priming the pump is an easy DIY same as pouring some water into the reservoir and let it run. So, having the best turtle tank filter doesn’t necessarily mean the filter has a self-priming mechanism. Equally important, the best aquarium canister filter pumps with manual priming tend to cost less than the self-priming designs. 

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