Human Food for Dogs: What Foods Are Safe for My Dog to Eat?

One of the most common topics when it comes to dog ownership is what they should or should not eat. With an endless amount of options for dog food, and the quality varying greatly between different brands, many dog owners are turning to their own kitchen to keep their furry friends healthy and fed. However, many owners do not know the dangers that are associated with feeding your dog various foods that come from your kitchen. In this post, we will discuss what foods you should never give to your dog, foods that are potentially harmful, and some healthy alternatives that are safe for your dog to eat.

Human Food for Dogs

Foods That Dogs Should Never Eat

Xylitol food sweetener

Xylitol food sweetener can be found in many baked foods, but is most commonly associated with sugar free gum. While I assume you won’t be feeding your dog sugar free gum any time soon, check your baked goods for this ingredient before you decide to give your dog a sweet reward. It is also worth mentioning that some peanut butter brands will use xylitol to sweeten their products. Xylitol is a potentially deadly substance when ingested by a canine, as it can lower your dog’s blood pressure, and can potentially lead to liver failure. 


No matter how much you love your dog, that $50 steak you cooked does not need to be seasoned when you feed it to your canine. Garlic is harmful to dogs because it can kill red blood cells, resulting in the inability for your dog’s blood cells to properly perfuse tissue. This is known as anemia, and can be potentially fatal to dogs. Common signs of this issue are fatigue, vomiting, and respiratory issues. 


This is one of the more commonly known foods that you should keep away from dogs, but it is still worth mentioning, because people continue to feed grapes to their dogs. Grapes are harmful to your canine because they have been linked to sudden kidney failure. The exact substance that causes this to occur is unknown, but it is potentially fatal, which should be all you need to know when determining whether or not to feed grapes to your dog. 


Give a dog a bone? You probably shouldn’t. While meat and other substances on the bone might be perfectly fine for a dog to eat, your dog will most likely be tempted to eat the bone in its entirety. Bones do not digest easily, and can pliner in the stomach, causing cuts to your dog’s digestive tract. Even if they stay whole, they can cause a complete blockage in the digestive tract. It may sound like a nice treat, but you should steer clear of giving your dog a bone. 


Avocados are known to humans as a super-fruit. However, for dogs, they are not recommended. While the part of an avocado that you normally eat may be safe for dogs, avocados contain Persin, a toxin that is potentially fatal to canines. Persin is primarily found in the pits and leaves of an avocado plant, but is present throughout the fruit as well. Persin can cause vomiting and diarrhea, and large doses of it can be deadly. Aside from this, feeding your dog avocados regularly could really start to raise your costs of dog ownership. In short, avocados are great for humans, but not so much for dogs.

Foods That Are Safe for Dogs to Eat

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are great for both humans and dogs. They contain no toxic chemicals that will negatively affect your canine, and are rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fibers are good for your dog because they reduce the risk of heart disease, and can reduce the risk of some cancers. Many do not know that sweet potatoes are actually very commonly used in commercial dog products, as they are a cheap and healthy alternative to other whole food bases. 

Fully-cooked eggs

Emphasis on the “fully-cooked” portion in this title. Fully cooked eggs are a great source of protein for your dog, and are very easy on a dog’s stomach. Just be sure to cook your eggs all the way through, and eggs will make a great meal for your dog!


Low in fat, high in protein, need I go on? If you plan on cooking human food for your dog, chicken should be added to the menu regularly. It is a high source of protein, and is much better for your dogs weight control compared to red meats. Chicken also has the benefit of smiling and tasting great, so you won’t have any trouble serving it to your canine. If you’re feeling the need to expedite your cooking, you can even cook yourself and your dog the same meal! Just be sure not to season your chicken with harmful ingredients, or give your dog an unseasoned piece. 


Honey is not normally thought of as a good treat for dogs, but it most certainly is! Honey is completely safe for you canine, tastes great, and is rich in vitamins, potassium, and antioxidants. Honey can also help with your dog’s allergy issues, because it exposes your dog to small amounts of pollen each time it is consumed. Buy it locally sourced or online, either way, it is a great addition to your dog’s dietary regime. 

Human Food for Dogs: The Bottom Line

Human foods can be a great supplement to everyday, ordinary dog foods.Some would argue that cooking food from home can be more beneficial in terms of overall health, leading to a healthier, picture-perfect dog. With many famous dog food brands now under fire for unsafe ingredients, more people are making the switch to cooking homemade food for canines than ever before. However, you need to always be cognisant of what you put in your dog’s bowl. If you are unsure if the food is safe or not, it is best to not feed your dog until you have done your research for a particular food. Once you have an established safe ingredients list, the possibilities are endless!

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